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We can customize e-shops for our clients. We will transfer the data of your existing e-shop and prepare the structure. We can connect them to your information system whether it is ERP, CRM or standalone accounting software. Connection to payment gateways and several variants of delivery methods are standard. When developing an e-shop we make sure to automate the individual steps so that the administration takes a minimum of time.

Internet presentations

We provide a comprehensive solution for your online presentation and ensure quality support even after the project is launched.

Web applications

We develop specific applications for online communication, document management (DMS), people and project management (CRM), interactive web games, internal information systems and many more...

Web configurators

This is a user-friendly tool incorporated directly into your website interface. With such a web application, your web presence becomes more attractive, you gain a competitive advantage and last but not least, it is a great tool to lead to leads and potential customers.


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Napište nám
Bc. Nicola Revendová Obchodník, projektový manažer
Mgr. Ondřej Koláček Jednatel, projektový manažer